Way back when I was in college, I awoke from a very intense dream and penned the following poem and wanted to share it with you on Veterans Day 25 years later. I also want to give a humble and heartfelt THANK YOU to all of the Veterans who served our great country and to all of the men and women currently serving in the military for all you do and the soldiers you are!
A Reason Why
For all those who are young and free,
Give me a reason why this may be.
Maybe it has to do with slaves,
Or the thousands of men in Arlington’s graves.
Men I have never met have fought for me,
Giving me the reason why I am free.
They fought for freedom, Red, White and Blue,
They spilled their precious blood for you.
You thanked the men but they care not,
It was for principal that they fought.
They fought for baseball and apple pie,
But…is this a reason for men to die?
They’re moved around like pawns on a board,
Loss of life is their reward.
Their families mourn as guns salute,
War is Hell, I must refute.
Mental scars and anguished fears,
Terror sweeps their frozen tears.
They shake and sweat and scream in pain,
To die for what? Immortal fame!
They love our nation, that’s why they fight,
Protect their love with all their might.
They pray to god to help them save,
One more hero from Arlington’s grave.
Their prayers refused, they know not why,
Eventually, all men must die.
Terror strikes as souls proceed,
Through the holes from which they bleed.
The families of those men who die,
Are given reasons not to cry.
They fought with courage and endless pride,
For their country they have died.
Those who survive are not treated so good,
At least not as hero’s, as they should.
The trauma of war is surely hell,
Trapping the soldier in a shell.
Outside he is fine, but inside he’s not,
Trapped emotions from when he fought.
Angers, emotions, hatreds and fears,
Anchored inside for all of his years.
The boy who left to fight the war,
Has left forever, he returns no more.
The innocent boy that you once knew,
Forever remains a stranger to you.
His life has changed from both death and despair,
Too much burden for one man to care.
His inner feelings he needs to share,
But this is the story everywhere.
The soldiers, the veterans and the such,
Need your help as a crutch.
Not to spare them limp or cast,
But to help them to forget their past.
Maybe not forget, but to understand why,
The reasons why the men must die.
© Michael B. Egan II – 11/11/1990 – Spoken From A Dream
If you would like a nice clean copy of this to keep or share, please let me know. I would love to collect donations and direct all proceeds to help our brave men and women deal with their PTSD issues and help make a difference and give back something for all they have given us.